Getting Started
About rounding
As different parts of a pipeline requires different levels of precision we have an option to
round values of dimensions accordingly.
A canvas+framing decision for a "raw" camera canvas should in theory keep more precision than a
canvas+framing decision for a conformed VFX plate.
The rules for rounding strategy are the same as for CanvasTemplate.round
The default strategy is to not apply rounding and keep float values where applicable, but this may be
overridden by setting the rounding strategy via the
NOTE! The rounding strategy is set globally for where rounding applies except for
which follows its own rules.
Setting the global rounding strategy
Here are a some examples of how to set the rounding strategy:
import pyfdl
# No rounding (default behavior) may either be set by passing the NO_ROUNDING variable
# Or by explicitly passing None
# For other requirements pass a dictionary with the rules
pyfdl.set_rounding_strategy({'even': 'whole', 'mode': 'up'})
Usage Examples
Create an FDL from scratch
import pyfdl
from pyfdl import Canvas, FramingIntent, Dimensions, Point
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
fdl = pyfdl.FDL()
# Applying defaults will provide you with a valid staring point
# Let's create a framing intent
framing_intent = FramingIntent(
label="1.78-1 Framing",
aspect_ratio=Dimensions(width=16, height=9),
# Add the newly created framing intent to our FDL
# Now let's create a canvas
canvas = Canvas(
label="Open Gate RAW",
dimensions=Dimensions(width=5184, height=4320),
effective_dimensions=Dimensions(width=5184, height=4320),
effective_anchor_point=Point(x=0, y=0),
photosite_dimensions=Dimensions(5184, height=4320),
physical_dimensions=Dimensions(width=25.92, height=21.60),
# Let's now add our canvas to the FDL within a context.
# If no such context exists, one will be created for you.
fdl.place_canvas_in_context(context_label="PanavisionDXL2", canvas=canvas)
# Finally, let's create a framing decision
# Validate our FDL and save it
with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.fdl', delete=False) as f:
pyfdl.write_to_file(fdl,, validate=True)
Create a Canvas from a Canvas Template
import pyfdl
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
fdl_file = Path('tests/sample_data/Scenario-9__OriginalFDL_UsedToMakePlate.fdl')
fdl = pyfdl.read_from_file(fdl_file)
# Select the first canvas in the first context
context = fdl.contexts[0]
source_canvas = context.canvases[0]
# Select the first canvas template
canvas_template = fdl.canvas_templates[0]
# We know we want to use the first framing decision of the source canvas, so we pass index 0
# You may also pass the actual `FramingDecision` source_canvas.framing_decisions[0]
new_canvas = pyfdl.Canvas.from_canvas_template(
# Place the new canvas along side the source
fdl.place_canvas_in_context(context_label=context.label, canvas=new_canvas)
# Validate and write to file.
with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.fdl', delete=False) as f:
pyfdl.write_to_file(fdl,, validate=True)